Friday, July 5, 2013

Lighting Up the Shadows

   I had a surprise all ready for when Pony came home from the hospital. He opened the door to the bedroom.
     "SURPRISE!!" I yelled, waving my arms frantically. Pony stared in bewilderment, "I....I can't believe it!" He stared at the single twin bed, draped with a navy striped comforter and accented with a stuffed white pony sitting upon the pillow.
     "MY OWN BED?" He was in a state of utter shock.
     I nodded. "It's all yours Pones." He jumped in the air and came crashing down on top of the bed, then immediately gripped his side in pain, forgetting he had just been in the hospital.
   That night we had a 4th of July party in the vacant lot. There were red, white & blue shooters, stars and stripes themed cookies, and of course fireworks. We shot off black cats, bottle rockets, and had a roman candle war. At the end we brought out all of the big stuff, and somehow ended up shooting one off in the direction of a soc's house, but no big loss right? Then came the streaking, by yours truly, accompanied by Dallas and Steve. We ran around bare-ass naked dancing about in circles with a sparkler in each hand. Just the typical greaser Independence Day celebration. Besides a few of Shepard's boys, I was amongst the last to leave. I started in the direction of my house when something on the ground caught my eye. I picked it up and pressed the button, lighting up the screen. Someone dropped their cell phone, and it just happened to be Jelly. I figured I'd do some good and return it, despite our current issues. I paced the dark streets, taking in the warm night air that sparkled with liveliness of the evening's celebrations. I was four houses away when I noticed someone approaching me. My hand slid over the switchblade bulging from my back pocket. As I got closer, I noticed it was Jelly herself.
     "Hey. Just thought I'd bring this by." I waved her phone in the air. Her hanging head glanced up at me, the moonlight catching on her wet cheeks.
     "Jels?" It wasn't till she stopped right in front of me that I noticed the puffy bruises outlining her left cheekbone, and blood trickling from a swelling lip.
     "Who the hell did this to you?" I demanded. She took the phone from my hand, just staring at the ground, shaking her head.
     "It's nothing." She spoke softly
     "You've been assaulted. Who the hell did this to you?" I tucked her hair behind her ear.
     "My dad gets a little carried away on my parents anniversary." She said, not looking me in the eye.
     "Your father did this to you?" I shouted. Her confirming nod made the blood in my veins boil. And by her reaction I gathered that this was not the first time this happened. My immediate thought was to take a crowbar to the guys face, but my common sense had to kick in and suggest otherwise.
     "And you haven't told anyone?" I ran my hand through my hair. "He should be in jail Jels."
     "Exactly!" She shouted back. "He's all I have..."
     "You have me." I said. Her eyes finally meeting mine.
     "I should go." She turned back towards her house. I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back in my direction.
     "There is no way in hell I am letting you go back to that house."
     "It'll just make it worse if I don't." She said.
     I sighed. "Then I'm coming with you."
   We sneaked through the house into Jelly's room, which wasn't too hard considering her dad was passed out on the couch wasted. We sat awkwardly on the bed.
     "So how's it going with all your girlfriends?" Jelly spoke up.
     "It wasn't like that Jels." I sat twiddling my clammy thumbs. The countless, faceless, women meant nothing to me. They were just a crutch, and excuse.
     "I know." She said. I wasn't surprised that she was aware of why my recent actions took place, after all, she always knew me better than I knew myself. She suddenly broke out into sobs.
     "I'm so sorry." She looked up at me with pleading eyes. "It was an accident. I didn't know what I was doing. I would never intentionally do that to you Soda." I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her and hold her against my chest.
     "I know. I'm sorry for turning into such a dick." I added. After a moment she broke away. 
     "I'm tired." She pulled off her jeans, leaving just a pair of underwear and a tshirt. I pulled my shirt over my head and kicked off my shoes.
     "So what, you're just going to sleep in my bed every night now?" I slipped in under the covers next to her. A feeling I did not realize how much I had missed.
     "Are you opposed to that?" I asked. She brought her lips up and softly met mine.
     "Not at all."

Friday, June 21, 2013

Digging in the Deep

   I was waxing a car at the DX when I heard footsteps close in, in the distance. It was still a few hours before Steve was supposed to show up, so I spun around, surprised to see Angela approaching me.
     "Hey, how's it going?" I asked.
     "Oh ya know, it's going." She said, plopping down on the chair sitting at the entrance of the garage. "I've heard you've been quite the ladies man lately." I continued waxing the hood of the '67 Buick.
     "Something like that."
     "How come?" she seemed surprised.
     I shrugged. "I don't know, something different I guess." Since the break-up, I had hooked up with about a dozen girls. At the bar, the DX, their house, my house, the back of a car. My sudden change of ways was no secret to the gang, and they were no doubt skeptical.
     "You're really one to talk." I flashed a playful smile in her direction. Angela Shepard was nothing short of in-experienced, and everybody knew it.
     She laughed. "Well I've always been this way, but you haven't. It's just not like Sodapop Curtis."
     "People change." I said, feeling that the conversation was taking an awkward turn. There was about three minutes of dead silence. I was just about to look over my shoulder and see if she was still there when she spoke up again.
     "I think it's a mask." She said.
My hand stopped dead in the middle of my 'wax on, wax off' rotation.
     "A what?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what she meant.
     "You're trying to hide a deeper issue." She stared at me intently.
I set the rang on the hood of the car, then turned around and leaned against it, my arms folded across my chest.
     "If you don't get close to someone, you can't get hurt." I said, staring down at my chucks. She didn't say anything, so I continued. "I can't take that again Angela, I mean...was I not enough for them?" I asked, finally embracing the feelings I tried so hard to bury.
     " I don't think it had as much to do with you Soda, people make mistakes. I can't vouch for Sandy, but if you were in Jelly's situation, how would you feel?"
I pondered her question for a moment, tossing it about in my thoughts.
     "Like it was an accident...a mistake." I sighed.
Angela took a swig on her coke before standing to her feet.
     "You've always been one of the good ones Soda...I'd hate to see you lose that." Then she turned and left. I sat there, lost in my own thoughts for what felt like half an hour, till my thought process was interrupted when Darry pulled up, yelling that we had to get to the high school, there had been a shooting.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

No Strings Attached

     Steve dragged me to Buck's last weekend, dying to get me out of the house since things went downhill. I sat at the bar and downed a Pepsi before spotting a familiar face.
   "Hey Blair. Is that your mercury out front? Where the hell did you get that sweet thing?" I asked, jamming my thumb in that general direction.
  She spun around in the bar chair, "Yeah, and for christ's sake it's Kayleigh."
   I ran my hand through my hair, "Right. This again..."
None of us understood the whole name thing going on with Blair. Maybe it's just a phase, or maybe she hates her life so much she's trying to convince herself of a new one, I don't know, but whatever it is, the gang is starting to worry.
     I bought her a drink and found myself with another Pepsi. Blair always had this dark sexy thing going for her, but we all saw her as one of the 'babies' of the gang. Before I knew it the flirting came out, and I found myself twirling her hair in my fingers. Blair wasn't one to commit to me, not like this, but she said she wasn't Blair, and I wasn't looking for that type of relationship anyway. No strings attached, that's exactly how I wanted it. I have no idea what came over me, but the next next thing I know I'm tossing about naked in my bed with TwoBit's kid sister.
     I awoke the next morning and threw my jeans on because I was already late for work. Blair didn't even bother getting dressed before heading to the bathroom. I opened the door to find half the gang sitting in the living room, staring in bewilderment. After wrestling TwoBit, I finally escaped to the truck and headed off to work. The usual crowd of girls showed up. Once Jelly was out of the picture, they all started appearing at the DX again watching me work. One blonde girl, who wore jean shorts so tight you could put a quarter in her pocket and tell if it's heads or tails, approached me, taking my hand and scribbling upon it with a pen.
     She leaned in and whispered, "Don't hesitate to call late." Then winked at me before leaving.
Normally I'd take an offer like this and pass it on to Owen or Dal, but this was the type of fling I wanted, one that wasn't a relationship at all. Having relations with someone meant you were somewhat close to them, but I didn't want to be close to anybody, because the closer you are the more painful it becomes, so I typed the number into my phone, sure I would use it later.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Trust is Earned, Not Given

   I took a long drag on my cigarette while leaning against the side of the DX. It was a slow day, and I had wished it wasn't. At least the work would keep my mind off of things.
     "Still that bad, huh?" Steve asked, taking to account that I only smoked if something was bothering me, or if I wanted to look tough, and it obviously wasn't the latter.
      I shrugged and tossed the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the heel of my shoe.
     "I'm sorry about the Dawn thing man. That wasn't my place." Steve wasn't even aware that he had said anything until someone told him the next morning.
     "I don't even care about that man. I just can't believe this is happening to me again." Any outside, third-party looking in would say that my relationship with Jelly was short-lived. We only actually dated for about two months, but it was a long time coming.
     "I'm just tired of living like this...I miss the old me, before girls came into the picture." I said. I threw an arm around Steve's neck and we headed back into the garage.
     "I'm gonna take you out tonight buddy, let's tear it up." Steve let out a howl.
     "Steve, the last time I went to a party with you, we ended up at a whore house." I glared at him.
     "Fine. We'll just chill at your place then. Bre wants to hang out anyways."

   When we got to my house, Darry already had dinner cooking in the oven, and Bre was already over making herself at home on our couch.
     "You know they shave Dally's balls on that cough." Steve informed her.
     "Eww...Dallas pubes!" Bre immediately hopped up and took a seat on the floor.
Pony and Kitty soon joined us in front of the T.V. as we all stuffed our faces with lasagna.
     "Hey Pones, go find a movie to watch." I commanded, throwing a bread stick at his head. 
     "Yes your highness!" He raised to hit feet, sticking his tongue out at me.
     "Did Sodapop Curtis just suggest that we watch a movie?" Kit said, in her usual smart ass tone.
     "Shut up!" I kicked her in the side.
A moment later Pony reappeared, placing a disk in the DVD player.
     "What's that?" Darry asked.
     "I dunno it's blank. I found it on the floor next to my backpack."
The picture popped up revealing TwoBit, Steve, and I dancing in our underwear to "My Heart Will Go On" and wearing sombreros. We all busted out in laughter.
     "I forgot we did that." I confessed.
The scene suddenly changed to two people, who both happened to be girls, butt naked and tossing about in a bed moaning. As soon as we made the realization that those two girls happened to be Audrey and Jelly, everyone's mouth dropped. Except Steve, who had just taken a swig of coke and ended up spewing it on the back of Kit's head. I quickly hopped up and turned off the T.V. then turned back around to face everyone, not making eye contact.
     "I have to go...shave." I said in a desperate attempt to escape the situation.
     "I'm going to clean up in the kitchen." Darry headed into the next room.
     "I got homework." Pony was in a dash to the bedroom.
     "I'm going to take a shower." Kit hopped up, wringing her sticky, wet hair in her hands.
     Steve followed after her. "Me too!"
     She quickly spun around, "Go home Steve."
   My mind was now in a jumbled mess. Jelly had cheated on me with Hunter, and while in her drunken state after the public break-up, she made a sex video with Audrey. What do I even do with that?
     Steve leaned over and spoke quietly. "You think I could get a copy of that?"
     "Go Home Steve!" I shouted.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

   We spent the last three days gearing up for the rumble. We made a lot of calls, sent a billion texts, and had a dozen meetings in person with other greaser gangs, but the numbers just weren't turning up. We never really know how many socs will make an appearance, but when they hear there's a rumble, typically they all come running. The Socs fight us for fun, because they take any chance they're given to show that they're better than us. Greasers, on the other hand, we fight because it's personal. So far, the only gangs who agreed to show up were Shepard's and the Brumley's.
     "The Brumley's backed out." Darry said, taking another swig on his beer. We decided to have a laid back night at the Dingo the night before the rumble.
     "Dammit. Are you serious?" I asked quietly, not wanting to down everyone's spirits.
     "Yep. They're down three guys as of this morning when one of em got busted for car theft." He explained further.
     "That leaves our nine guys, and Shepard's eleven...Do you think that's enough?" I asked. Darry shook his head.
     "Looks like the girls are gonna have to fight in this one."
We only let the girls fight if they have to, not because they aren't capable of kicking some decent ass, but because we're guys, we step up first and protect them when we can. It also makes us a bit nervous, despite the fact that the girls can handle themselves, we're always looking out for our sister or girlfriends in the midst of the fight. Owen spun around in his bar chair. He had apparently been eavesdropping on our conversation.
     "Don't worry, I got it covered." He patted Darry on the back.
   Friday. The day of the rumble. My phone was blowing up all day with questions and comments from almost everyone in the gang, leaving Steve and I very eager to get off work.
   I came home to find everyone, plus Shepard's gang at our house. People were doing flips, practicing swings, stretching, and downing energy drinks. I looked around, worried about our numbers, and hope that Owen really would pull through. Typically, I would be pumped for a rumble, but this time was different. The circumstance in which we were fighting, left a dark cloud of emotion hovering over everyone, we shouldn't have to be fighting for this reason. I was a bit relieved when I found out Jelly was only on the sidelines of their encounter with Sheldon, but I still felt deeply for Rhyan and Blair, no one should have to experience something like that. I think secretly everyone blamed themselves for what happened. If only I had been there...If only I had done this differently...What happened, happened, and nothing could change that now. Could it in some way been prevented? Possibly, just like everything else that happens, but truth was, is this rumble really going to change anything? Someone wins, we leave each other alone for a month or two, and then were back to giving each other hell again. What was going to make this time any different?
   I thought I had downed too many red bulls when I felt the house begin to shake, as a roaring sound filled the neighborhood.
     "What the hell is that?" I heard Darry say.
     "I said I had it covered." Owen smirked, then headed outside, the gang filing one by one after him. There was a group of about six or seven guys perched on top of motorcycles outside our house. From what I knew about Owen, I figured these guys were a part of the Sons of Anarchy. Darry filled them in on our situation and how we do things here in Tulsa, just before heading off to the vacant lot.
   There they were, all the socs lined up shoulder to shoulder as we all stepped up to face an opponent. It felt like forever till the rumble finally started. I knew it was only a matter of time till Dal socked Sheldon a good on in the face, and then it was on. I tried my best to stay close to Jelly and keep an eye on her, but she seemed to be doing better than I was. I made it out with a broken pinky, and a gash along my right cheek, plus the countless scrapes and bruises scattered on my body. It ended with us standing there watching the socs run away in their mud stained pussy khakis, and then the shouts of victory erupted. We all ended up at the Thatcher house for a victory party consisting of loud music, booze, food, and swimming.
     "Someone got you pretty good there babe." I said, gently pressing my fingers on Jelly's swelling temple.
     "You should've seen the other guy." She smirked, then pressed her lips softly against mine.
     "I'm going to go get a drink." She said before turning and leaving. I went over and stood by Steve, and glanced around the yard. Hunter was lingering in the shadows of the party all night, which was usually his type of scene. He approached me, chewing nervously on his fingernails.
     "Hey man, I gotta tell you something." I looked at him intrigued.
     "What's up?"
     "The other night I was at a crack house on the outskirts of town, and I got carried away and was pretty stoned, and I didn't even remember passing out, and when I woke, I'm really sorry." He was rambling, and I really didn't understand what connection I had to his experience at a crack house.
     "I slept with Jelly." he confessed. My heart stopped, and I suddenly forgot how to breathe, as hot tears filled my eyes.
     That's okay." A drunk Steve spoke up beside me, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Soda and Dawn are fuck buddies." Everyone paused and turned their heads our way. Hunter cocked his head to the side.
     "You slept with my sister?" He said.
      Steve, who was beyond caring, yelled again, "I slept with Kitty!" Everyone glanced in Kit's direction.
     "That did not happen." She assured.
Hunter stared at me, eyes blazing. "We're even." He said, before stomping off somewhere. I looked over and found Jelly standing there, watching the whole scene.
     "You slept with Hunter?" Though I already knew the answer, I wanted her to confirm it.
     "Soda...I.." I cut her off,
     "How could you?" I yelled.
     "You never told me you slept with Dawn." She yelled back.
     "Not while we were dating." I argued.
     "I didn't know what I was doing..."
     "The one person that I thought.." My voice caught. Tears were streaming down my face. "I can't do this again." I turned and heading inside the house to find a place to hide from the crowd. Steve chased after me,
     "Soda, wait up man.." I turned abruptly, using a harsh tone, "Go home Steve." I said.
I couldn't believe that this was happening. I had been cheated on, again. Jelly and I have been friends since we were little, good friends. She was there when I found out Sandy was cheating on me, she even talked some since into me when I said I wanted to marry the girl anyways, regardless if the baby was mine or not. Here I was again, suffering the same pain. And she had done it with someone in the gang...someone I had considered a brother. I couldn't take this again, from now on, I was sure I'd never trust anybody.      

Thursday, April 25, 2013

An Itchy Situation

   Saturday I woke up and noticed Pony still sound asleep next to me. I slipped on my jeans and crept down the hall with the mind to start cooking breakfast, but when I reached the living room I found Dallas asleep on the couch, and TwoBit sitting in the recliner, chowing down on some eggs, and watching Mickey Mouse. He nodded in acknowledgement to me, then suddenly, an idea struck my brain. I crossed my finger over my lips, signaling for him to remain quiet. I sneaked into the bathroom and returned a minute later holding a razor and shaving cream. I motioned to Dallas. TwoBit caught on immediately and burst out into a silent laughter. He began to carefully unbutton Dally's jeans, and pull them down just far enough for us to do our dirty work.
     "What the hell are you guys doing?" Kit's voice rang behind us. TwoBit and I simultaneously turned around and shhh-ed her. She came in closer.
     "Eww, cover that up." She pointed to Dallas's exposed genitals. I shhh-ed her again. She soon caught on after noticing the shaving cream and razor.
     "Fine! But I get to watch him kick your asses when he wakes up." She whispered.
We returned to our work, which Dal would not find out about until he was long gone from my house, and feeling an itching sensation.
   A few hours later I heard a knock at the door. It was Jelly, arriving for our usual Saturday night date night.
     "We should double with Rhyan and Dallas tonight." She suggested.
     "Oh..." I said, caught off guard. "Umm..sure."
     "Really? Cause you don't sound very sure." Jelly noticed.
     "'s just that TwoBit and I played a joke on Dal this morning and I wasn't planning on being around when he figured it out." I informed.
     "Boys are so stupid!" Jelly sighed.
Of course, I let her have her way and we still ended up doubling. We played a few games of laser tag. Guys against Girls, couple vs couple, me and Rhyan vs the Winston's...and the whole time I could see that Dallas was fighting an urge. Afterwards, we went to Rhyan's house and played some video games, Dallas still trying to sustain his itch without anyone noticing. Finally, someone spoke up.
     " you have an issue?" Rhyan shouted.
     "I'll be right back." Dallas said, while heading to the bathroom.
The entire time I couldn't help but laugh, while the girls stared at me like I was an escapee from a mental institution. A minute later Dallas reappeared, eyes blazing.
     "I'm gonna fucking kill you Curtis!" He shouted.
I hopped up off the couch as he chased me around the house. We eventually ended up in the living room floor, Dal's hand gripping my neck, cutting off my airway. The girls just sitting on the couch watching.
     "Boys are so stupid!" I heard Rhyan say.
     "Ain't that the truth." Jelly responded.   

Friday, April 12, 2013

If There's One Thing Lion King Taught Me; It's You Gotta Put Your PastBehind You

I came home from school to find the typical snack of milk and cookies that mom always left out for us on Fridays, and as usual one would be missing, because Darry figured that being a senior and getting home early because he has last period release, entitled him to one of my cookies. We had the typical greaser weekend planned, and it didn't take long for Steve, Dallas, and TwoBit to come banging on the door begging our parents to let us come with them. Mom would always talk them into staying a few minutes with cookies, making sure they had at least that in their bellies. Sooner or later we were off to a night of partying with the greasers. There was dancing, smoking, drinking, people touching each other in every dark corner. Even then Darry was on us about alcohol and such, but he didn't have to worry about us hooking up with people. Pony was only thirteen and barely knew the difference between girls and guys, and Kit was so involved with her "girl-friends" shes didn't have time for boys, so it wasn't currently an issue, or so Darry thought.
The moment she saw me she threw herself against me in a hug I could never say no to.
"What's up best friend?" I said.
"Nuthin much Pepsi, where were you in English class today?" She punched me softly in the shoulder.
"Oh you know your cousin...always makin me cut class to cause some trouble." I informed.
"Ya know, maybe if you showed up to class once in a while you wouldn't be failing." She teased.
"Nah, then I'd just be sleeping." She laughed. "Besides, I'm failing cause I'm dumb, not cause I ain't there."
Slowly over the years, I had adjusted to my thoughts about Jelly. She was my best friend, besides Steve of course, and I had only ever thought of her as such. But growing boys change, and as you know, certain hormones kicked in, and I started seeing her differently,as if she had molded into a completely different person over night. We danced, and talked, and did whatever us kids did back then. Before worries, before jobs and relationships, before broken hearts and tainted memories. I remember that night being the first time I ever looked at a girl and thought how beautiful she was, and that if I ended up with someone half as decent as Jelly, I'd be just fine. It didn't take long for Kit to sweep in and steal her away from me, leaving me sitting on the sidelines for a while.
"Hey Curtis!" Dawn said, plopping down on the ground beside me, popping the cap off a beer and taking a long swig on it.
"How ya doin Ms. Cade?" I said.
"Oh you know... parents wanna kill each other, yelling, screaming, the usual." She said.
Dawn wasn't absent of good looks herself, and I had to admit, she was probably more bad ass than I was...WAS. But she had to be, and I sorta liked that about her, she didn't put up with a dude's shit. I'd seen Dallas try things with her multiple times, and he usually ended up with a bloody nose.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Dawn was staring at me.
"Soda? When did you get so good looking?" She asked.
I laughed "The moment you started drinking too much."
"No, really?" She insisted.
I just shrugged it off as nothing and glanced around the lot. A bonfire was going, and people had their trucks pulled up, filled with beer kegs and people sitting in them. Some guys were even playing football.
"What do you think that's like?" Dawn said pointing to a couple leaning against the fence, their hands all over eachother.
"I wouldn't know." I said.
"Oh c'mon Soda....a pretty boy like you?" She seemed surprised.
"Nah." I said.
She looked at me for a moment, "Yeah, me either." she laughed.
Don't get me wrong, by this point in my life I had imagined what sex was like about a thousand times, We are horny teenagers after all.
It was getting pretty late, and most of the people had already headed home, including Hunter and Johnny.
"You want me to walk you home?" I said.
"Sure, if you don't mind." Dawn replied. "You can sneak in through my window and we can watch a scary movie like old times, if you want?"
"Hell yeah!" I said, not willing to pass up an opportunity at reminiscing.

Dawn popped "Nightmare On Elm Street" into the DVD player, then headed downstairs to get some cokes and popcorn. Meanwhile, I took her blankets and pillows and made a pallet on the floor in front of the TV. It wasn't long before she returned and we were both sprawled out on the floor, our gaze intense upon the TV and stuffing our mouths with popcorn. In the beginning of the movie, you can hear a couple getting it on in the bed room while Johnny Depp and that one Nancy chick are stuck in the living room listening. I glanced over at Dawn. Her tshirt hugged her quite tightly, as it usually did, and her perfectly tan legs emerged from a short pair of blue shorts, and rested upon my lap. I didn't even notice I had began to softly stroke her leg. A minute later she switched position, laying her head on my chest. Okay, not the first time this has happened, but I held her quite tightly, then my fingers crept up the base of her shirt, stroking her skin. The emotion swept over me, and any horny fifteen year old boy knows, once it starts, there's no stopping it. I didn't know how to go about this, I had never done it before, then again neither had Dawn, so neither of us would be aware if we were doing it wrong. I just went with my gut, and did what I felt like doing.
My hand moved upward, pulling her shirt up with it, and I was surprised that she hadn't tried to stop me. It didn't take me long to figure out that she didn't have a bra on; my hand slipped over her breast when her head turned upward and she pressed her lips hard against mine. She pulled me on top of her and my body grinded against hers. I felt her fingers fiddling with the zipper on my jeans, and the next thing I knew both our pants were off, and her legs wrapped around me. I started out soft and careful, knowing typically for the girl, the first time could be painful. But after she instructed me to keep going, things really picked up pace. I covered her mouth with one hand, because I knew that if she were to make any sort of sound in this moment, Hunter could hear next door. Things were heating up, our bodies pressing against each other, causing my skin to perspire. When the moment came, I didn't know whether to pull out or continue, so I just kept going, until I knew she had gotten there. I was out of breath, and panting, as I laid back on the floor. Dawn breathing hard next to me.
"Holy shit Curtis! I thought the first time was supposed to be terrible." she said.
I smiled. We continued watching the movie, but it didn't seem to take long before the credits started rolling and I had to leave.
"Wanna come over next weekend?" Dawn asked. "I got the new Saw movie." She winked at me.
"Alright." I said, with a grin on my face as I climbed out her window.

Dawn and I had many more similar encounters after that night. Sometimes it involved a late night movie at her place, sometimes it was in the bathroom during lunch period, even occasionally in the car after school let out. That was our relationship, shoot a text, and we were there within minutes. If we had started dating someone, it stopped. But, once we were both single again, and in need of letting loose some sexual tension, we were there for each other. It was somehow never awkward for us, and we never told anyone, except for Steve, cause him and I told each other everything. But that's all we ever were, friends.....with benefits.